The benefits of advanced preparation
Having insurance is always a good idea. You never know when you might need it though it comes in quite handy when you do. It provides added protection from sudden financial necessities. There are some people however who believe otherwise. It is true after all, that the money would have been spent for nothing if the subject of the insurance never needed it during the time when it should have been availed of. Others would argue further that being careful is enough to prevent injury or misfortune.
People who pay for insurance though are mostly those that want peace of mind. The amount of money that was spent would present good value to secure them on a certain level against the uncertainties of the future. It is something that could be relied upon in case things go awry.
It is quite understandable however if not everyone gets insured. Insurance does entail that additional funds be set aside. Paying for it even on a monthly installment basis may not be so affordable for some people. Regardless of the reason, not getting insured has its set of benefits and disadvantages.
Financial safety net for motorists
When it comes to road accidents it is always better to have insurance. It takes care of the hassle in paying for the mishap that was caused or collecting from it. The parties involved can simply exchange insurance information and it can be sorted out with ease. Fortunately in North Palm Beach Florida, collection may still be possible even if the one that caused the accident is uninsured.
The Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage is incorporated into all car insurance policies issued in the state. This allows part of your automobile insurance premium to automatically pay for the PIP coverage. The insured is then further protected by his car insurance policy by including any expenses for injuries suffered from a car accident, no matter which party had caused it. Though it will not pay for the entire liability, PIP coverage can at least help in taking care of a part of the total hospital bills and economic loss due to the victim’s inability to work. Note that those who were aggravated by such mishaps must get treated for their injuries within fourteen days from when it happened. Any injuries that come out after this two-week period will not be considered covered under PIP.
Would you like someone else to handle these legal technicalities for you? Look no further than Lichtblau & Goldenberg. We have been in practice for many years in and around the North Palm Beach area. Allow us to provide competent representation if you or a loved one has been involved in an uninsured motorist accident. Our compassionate personal injury attorneys are among the very best in the state of Florida.
The advantages of PIP
You will receive the net PIP amount after deducting the necessary expenses as well as checking if there is anything excluded from the appropriate policy. The following beneficial items are what you can expect:
- Up to eighty percent of the total medical and hospitalization costs will be covered.
- Up to sixty percent of wage losses based on the period that the victim was unable to work will be compensated.
- Up to eighty percent of out-of-pocket prescription purchases will be reimbursed.
- Variable amounts will be paid off on mileage expenses made going to and returning from your doctor. This is dependent however on your insurance company.
Procedure to collect the financial assistance from your PIP coverage
Aside from your hospitalization expenses, your insurance company will also pay for other costs or losses you suffered due to the accident. These are the items and how to get compensation for them:
- Lost Wages – This requires a “Wage and Salary Verification” form that is completed by the employer and forwarded to the relevant automobile insurance company. Attached to this should be a disability form indicating the reasons why you are unable to return to work. It is the doctor who assisted you that must make this within a few days after the mishap. Should he have a personal format that he uses, this must be given instead along with the “Wage and Salary Verification” form before any action for collection is to be entertained.
- Out-of-Pocket Prescription Purchases Reimbursement – The following is required by the automobile insurance company for submission:
a) the original receipt of goods purchased using the prescription;
b) the prescription label usually found on the prescription bag after receiving it from the pharmacy.
These are the necessary proof before an insurance company needs in order to allow payment for such expenses. - Mileage Expenses – It is important to record the mileage consumed for your visits to your doctor and back. There is a limit to this though you can on a regular basis, give evidence of your trips until the benefits last.
In addition to those costs not compensated by your PIP coverage, you may also use the requirements to collect your Out of Pocket purchases as proof. This can be forwarded to the insurance company of the driver who was at fault after your hospitalization and therapy have concluded. These bills and receipts should be kept while your treatment is ongoing so that you may submit them along with the other expenses of your claim.
The following is provided under The Florida Financial Responsibility Law as the minimum allowable benefits covered by insurance:
- Bodily Injury Liability (1 Person): $10,000
- Bodily Injury Liability (All Persons, 1 Accident): $20,000
- Property Damage Liability: $10,000
- Combined Single Limits Policy: $30,000
The aim of this statute is to require car and motorcycle owners to have additional insurance for having been involved in the following incidents:
- You had a prior accident where you were the liable party.
- You had a prior accident resulting in injuries and you were the liable party.
- You had a prior DUI coupled with the revocation of your license.
- You were classified as a “Habitual Traffic Offender” resulting in a revocation of your license.
- Your driver’s license was suspended due to too many penalty points.
- You committed a serious offense resulting in the revocation of your license.
Our firm has been in the practice of law for over fifty-five years. We have dedicated ourselves toward the preservation of justice and ensuring that the rights of the residents in the North Palm Beach area are protected. Our legal team specializes in personal injury cases, which includes uninsured motorist accidents.
Lichtblau & Goldenberg has experienced attorneys that work relentlessly and are sympathetic toward your cause. If you are curious as to whether you have the right to file a suit, please contact us. We will be able to determine the merits of your case by getting the details of the ordeal. Upon assessing the facts and applicable laws, we will immediately inform about the type of legal action that you may take.
It would be our pleasure to represent you. Call 561-863-9100 and let us handle your worries. Your road toward getting started on receiving financial compensation for your injuries due to an uninsured motorist accident is but a phone call away.